When you are trying to figure out what an appropriate amount of money is to allot for your SEO Services, it is important to consider what the going SEO service prices are along with your personal budget for advertising spend. Typically, people spend about three to twelve percent of their profits on advertising costs, therefore we will find that SEO service pricing is based on a business in the area’s ability to budget for this type of spend. Many SEO service prices are fixed costs based on how much traction you are looking to generate or your business. With that in mind, SEO pricing can fluctuate as well based on the vertical, keywords, and overall competition in your area to get seen on the web. Many marketing specialists have SEO service pricing handbooks that spell out their pricing structures for their customers. This way, if there is every a question or discrepancy, the customer can refer back to the SEO service prices in order to find out where the confusion may lie. More often than not, the SEO service prices are reasonable to the market and vertical that the business owner is looking to attract. Many of those who understand SEO services pricing will even argue that for the amount of return on investment that businesses are getting for search engine optimization, they can easily get back that money with their services once the leads are generated. SEO service prices are meant to bring a return to the business owner. SEO service prices are not meant to be cost, but rather an investment. If you are losing money every month from the investment you are making in marketing and advertising then it is time to review the SEO service prices and decide if the service provider is not efficient or if you just need to be working with someone else who is.